Nancy Fuller
                                             Oil Painter

    Nancy Fuller has developed a unique style combining oil washes with glazes resulting in a spontaneity ususally associated with water color, and a luminous depth of color only possible with oils. 


2007 New York City Art Expo

El Presidio Gallery, Tucson, Arizona       Galeria Sigala, Taos, New Mexico

Art Encounter Las Vegas, Nevada       Dallas, Texas

Taos West, San Diego, California

3 Knickerbocker Artist' National Shows at the Salmagundi Club NYC

2 Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Shows at the National arts Club NYC

The Flower Gallery, Naples Florida   Saugatuck, Michigan

Synchronicity Gallery, Glen Arbor, Michigan

Raven Gallery  Struart, Florida

Dow Chemical, Northwood Institute Gallery , Midland, Michigan

1261 Harding Street, Conklin, Michigan 49403

1-866-513-1268 Phone/Fax 616-899-2179

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